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  • SpeakOut Radio

SpeakOut is proud to present the ‘SpeakOut Radio’, an initiative exploring issues around forced marriage and domestic violence, as experienced by women from migrant backgrounds.

SpeakOut Radio is available in nine languages. This project was funded by the Law and Justice Foundation of NSW.

Speakout Radio

Hello and welcome to Speakout Radio. This website is being developed as part of Immigrant Women’s Speakout Association’s Radio Plays Projects :

  • About Domestic Violence in 9 Languages (2010)
  • Forced Marriage in 9 Languages (2015)

For information about those projects, please read the ‘About’ section.

Please use this website as a tool for more information, resources and support. It is our hope that the resources we’ve produced become easily accessible for the survivors, fighters, activists and advocates who need them most.

Immigrant Women’s Speakout has launched our newest resource:


Funded by the Law and Justice Foundation of New South Wales, these two plays aim to raise awareness about the impacts of forced and servile marriages and provide information and useful contact information of relevant service providers who can assist those in forced marriage situations in Australia. The plays have been designed to cater to people who may not be able to read in their first language.

The first radio play deals with a victim who has left a forced marriage and is speaking about it to her counsellor. The second radio play explores the impact of forced marriage on a young woman who may be forced to marry and the legal consequences.

Translation was provided by SBS In Language who also worked with voice actors to record these plays. Community leaders and workers in NSW have reviewed the scripts to ensure the language used is culturally and linguistically appropriate, easy to understand and natural sounding.

The Forced Marriage Radio Plays were launched in Sydney, NSW on 28 October 2015.

(launched in 2010)

Funded by the Law and Justice Foundation, these three plays aim to provide information about domestic/family violence in a format that is easily understood for women who may not be literate in their own language. These plays will be broadcast over SBS language radio programs and community radio stations, reaching women who may not be able to read. They cover the following issues:

  • Domestic Violence – What You Can Do About It
    • This play focuses on outlining what Apprehended Violence Orders (AVOs) are and the court support services that a woman can access when she applies for an AVO.
  • What are the ‘Family Violence Provisions’ (FVP)?
    • The FVP play illustrates how women who have been sponsored to come to Australia by a spouse do not need to remain in a violent relationship with their sponsor for fear of their visa status. The play summarises the role of FVP and who can apply.
  • What is the ‘Staying Home Leaving Violence’ (SHLV) program?
    • This play begins by outlining the concerns of a mother who is worried about the impact leaving home has had on her two small children. The SHLV play then aims to inform women experiencing DV/FV about the choice to stay in their own home and the comprehensive support available to do so safely.

Community workers throughout NSW have reviewed the scripts to ensure that the language used is culturally and linguistically appropriate, easy to understand and natural sounding. Through role-playing and multiple layers of editing, we hope that these plays can be well-understood by a greater audience of women. Women who speak Arabic, Dari, Dinka, Khmer, Krio, Mandarin, Somali, Sudanese Arabic and Vietnamese will be able to access information about what DV/FV is, how they can get help, support available to them and numbers to call. Voice actors at SBS have recorded these plays and they were launched on 1st December 2010.

Would you like to order copies of the radio plays? Would you like more information about Immigrant Women’s Speakout and the work we do? Contact us!

(02) 9635 8022
[email protected]

PO Box 9031 Harris Park NSW 2150

Useful phone numbers

Police: 000 (Australia wide)

Telephone interpreter service (TIS): 13 14 50

Domestic Violence Line NSW: 1800 65 64 63

Immigrant Women’s Speakout Association Inc. (IWSA): (02) 9635 8022

Law Access NSW: 1300 888 529

Australian Federal Police: 131 237

Child Protection Helpline: 132 111

Anti-Slavery Australia: (02) 9514 8115

Legal Aid NSW’s Family Law Early Intervention Unit: 1800 551 589

All mp3s can be listened to online and they can also be downloaded and burnt onto a CD. Please view the Scripts page if you would like to read the scripts that accompany these audio tracks.

Radio Plays about Forced Marriage
  • Forced Marriage Radio Play 1
    • A woman who has left a forced marriage speaks to her counselor about her experience and how she was able to find help.
  • Forced Marriage Radio Play 2
    • A young woman speaks to her mother about a marriage that is being planned for her. The young woman does not want to get married. In Australia, a parent or guardian cannot force their child to marry.

English: Play 1 / Play 2

Arabic: Play 1 / Play 2

Bengali: Play 1 / Play 2

Dari: Play 1 / Play 2

Hindi: Play 1 / Play 2

Persian: Play 1 / Play 2

Punjabi: Play 1 / Play 2

Pushto: Play 1 / Play 2

Urdu: Play 1 / Play 2

Radio Plays about Domestic Violence

There are 3 plays for each language:

  • “Domestic Violence – What You Can Do About It” (DV & AVO)
  • “What is the Staying Home Leaving Violence program?” (SHLV)

Arabic: DV & AVO / SHLV

Dari: DV & AVO / SHLV

Dinka: DV & AVO / SHLV

Khmer: DV & AVO / SHLV

Krio: DV & AVO / SHLV

Mandarin: DV & AVO / SHLV

Somali: DV & AVO / SHLV

Sudanese Arabic: DV & AVO / SHLV

Vietnamese: DV & AVO / SHLV

Radio Plays about Forced Marriage

English: Play 1 / Play 2

Arabic: Play 1 / Play 2

Bengali: Play 1 / Play 2

Dari: Play 1 / Play 2

Hindi: Play 1 / Play 2

Persian: Play 1 / Play 2

Punjabi: Play 1 / Play 2

Pushto: Play 1 / Play 2

Urdu: Play 1 / Play 2

Radio Plays about Domestic Violence

The scripts for the radio plays can be useful in helping women to better understand the audio as some people find it helpful to read along while they listen.

There are 2 plays for each language:

“Domestic Violence – What You Can Do About It” (DV & AVO)

“What is the Staying Home Leaving Violence program?” (SHLV)

Arabic: DV & AVO / SHLV

Dari: DV & AVO / SHLV

Dinka: DV & AVO / SHLV

Khmer: DV & AVO / SHLV

Krio: DV & AVO / SHLV

Mandarin: DV & AVO / SHLV

Somali: DV & AVO / SHLV

Sudanese Arabic: DV & AVO / SHLV

Vietnamese: DV & AVO / SHLV

English: DV & AVO / SHLV

Last week, Meena Tamby invited us to speak about the project on her radio show, Accent of Women. The show is based in Melbourne, but airs nationally, so it will be a great opportunity to reach more people who may use the plays in their work or in seeking help.

Speakout Radio spoke about CALD Domestic & Family Violence and the issues surrounding help seeking and resources. Meena and some volunteers also recorded the plays in English to give English speaking listeners a view into how the plays may sound to NESB listeners in their own language.

You can read more about this excellent radio show here.

The interview was aired Tues 1st Feb and has been uploaded as a podcast here. All you have to do is scroll down and find the entry for 01.02.2011. These ladies have done an excellent job in recording the plays in English, so please listen in.

Thanks Meena & Accent of Women!

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